Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life


by Roger Daniels

Format: Paperback

One of our generation’s best historical accounts of immigration in the United States from the earliest colonial days

“Encyclopedic in scope, yet lively and provocative…. One of those rare book that will serve experts and the general public equally well.” – San Francisco Chronicle

Former professor Roger Daniels does his utmost to capture the history of immigration to America as accurately as possible in this definitive account of one of the most pressing and layered social issues of our time. With chapters that include statistics, maps, and charts to help us visualize the change taking place in the age of globalization, this is a fascinating read for both the student studying immigration patterns and the general reader who wishes to be more well-informed from a quantitative perspective. Daniels places more recent cases of migration in the Americas within the rich history of the continents pre-colonialism. This invaluable resource is filled with maps and charts designed to help the reader see patterns that surface when studying the movement of peoples over time.

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Coming to America: A History of Immigration and Ethnicity in American Life

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